So yeah, not all that happy with these. I did manage to select a couple that I'm going to send for the Valentine's swap, but yeah... not happy. I was most disappointed that it happened to be one of my favourites that the teacher accidentally broke when I was short on time and she was helping me with the glazes. It's the green fat one in the front. You can see the top looks pretty awful. :(
There are only 4 weeks left. I threw some more mini jars, cups and pots today so I'll have time to make those, and maybe a tiny bit more next time. After that, it's just glazing and the classes are over. I'll miss it. ;_; I'm going to go again as soon as they're offering more courses. I was only just starting to get the hang of throwing miniatures. X'D
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日本語でもコメントを置いては大丈夫です。私は書くのが苦手ですが、大体分かりますよ〜! 質問があれば是非訊いてくださいね。 ^ ^
Suomeksikin saa tottakai kommentoida! (Jos jokin ihmetyttää, kysy ihmeessä.) :3
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