Note to self: Porcelain-paper clay, not suitable for throwing... Posliinipaperisavi ei sovellu dreijaamiseen... |
Keramiikan opettaja oli niin mukava, että tilasi minulle sittemmin tähän käyttöön sopivampaa posliini(kivitavarasekoite)savea, jota oli ilo dreijata ja josta pitäisi myös niinikään tulla poltossa täysin valkoista. Se oli myös puolet halvempaa kuin posliinisavi, joten sopi passelisti kukkarolleni. Laitan niistä tuotoksista kuvia myös kunhan valmistuvat.
I thought I'd give painting porcelain a try this year so I decided to make some miniature stuff for that in my ceramics class. These were thrown from porcelain-paper clay (not sure what the actual term for it is, but it's porcelain clay with paper fibres mixed into it so it's easier to sculpt), which was definitely not a joy to throw because of its consistency. It was also kinda horrendous to trim since crumbs broke loose even when I tried to be careful. Basically it was pretty much a disaster all around.
Fortunately my ceramics teacher ordered another type of clay for me to use and it was much nicer to throw on the wheel. It's a mixture of porcelain and regular stone goods clay, but it should end up white once it's fired. So basically it should look the same as regular porcelain, but it was only half the price)! I'll post pictures of that sometime later.