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October 10, 2012

Fabrics and buttons...

I went insane and bought a bunch of gorgeous fabrics from a shop nearby. I even managed to make something out of them.

This was the first haul...

The second somewhat smaller haul.

Here's the third when they had a sale. I went back the next day and bought some more, but didn't remember to take a picture.

I also ordered some buttons. Just a few... Then I sorted them because I'm insane. :p

Some more buttons. My sorting insanity continues. This was an uneven assortment.

Then I made some pillows for the boys.

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日本語でもコメントを置いては大丈夫です。私は書くのが苦手ですが、大体分かりますよ〜! 質問があれば是非訊いてくださいね。 ^ ^

Suomeksikin saa tottakai kommentoida! (Jos jokin ihmetyttää, kysy ihmeessä.) :3

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